Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Praying for Hope & Faith

Lots of times I have been down and dusted, the one thing that has lifted me up is Prayer. I am currently praying to get these disturbances sorted out. Please join me wherever you are and pray for me and my family. We are under terrible stress due to the various circumstances we have faced and the sheer stupidity with which we have reacted to those circumstances. We are facing dire consequences, but our prayer & your well-wishes can help us overcome those consequences and get them corrected.

Everybody has their chance to err, but only few overcome those chances. I am afraid to say that I have erred when I was given the chance. So I am repenting for what I have done now. Please pray for me and my family to overcome this error and be happy again. All I need is peace and tranquility when I head home after a bout of hard work. Pray for me to get that again.

I know I need to more than just prayer. I have to start doing things the way it should be. Please pray to God to give me the strength, courage and humility to do all those things which I have failed to do. Also help my family to get strengthened to face this tight situation which we have gotten ourselves into.

Pray for us.......

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