Monday, December 31, 2007

Predictions India 2008 - More of a rant actually

1. General Elections 2008 - Most probably, Congress after making itself a little bit more comfortable (or not) after the Gujarat/HP debacles, will try to force the Nuke Deal. This will enable the Left to pull the plug down on UPA. Thus we will see General Elections 2008, or also more probably, a phase of non-actioning government till the elections. Most probably, BJP if voted to power renegotiate the Nuke Deal, and will complete it within its term.

2. Sensex - no stupendous growth, but will be bright: If it goes the General Elections way, it might tank a little, but the main concern for the crash might be from strengthening Rupee, which might not happen if General Elections are earlier in the year. So, IT might just pull off sensex together again.

3. Cricket - India will become a young Cricket Team again with lots of talents buried within Team India coming up to fill voids to be created by the famous three, who instead of their greatness, couldn't pull themselves to lift a World Championship Trophy ever. Not even the 20-20 trophy, mind you!!

4. TamilNadu Arasu CATV/MSO/DTH - will arise and give a tough time for Sun/SCV. But it will be more pleasantries for the TamilNadu people anyway, as Good Competition is always good for the consumer. If something like the ESPN-StarSports merger happens it will be bad for the consumers. Other than the above TN was/is/will always be the best place anyone can spend their time on.

5. TamilNadu & Chennai - Infrastructure is getting better and will be great after key Flyovers in Kodambakkam/Chromepet/Vyasarpadi/T-Nagar are done. Also the CDMA multi-level parking will bring lots of cheer to Chennaiites. And the Highways built on the Golden Quadrilateral project will bear fruit. Its time the IT Corridor is completed and the Airport modernization and expansion is started.

Predictions for Jai 2008:

Still trying to be responsible son, husband and father. But, being just another person in the family. Personally I like being there at house very much, but before that I need to complete some of my uber goals. I don't have New Year resolutions, and take life as it grows on you. Everybody has told me its time I grow up and own up and other stuff, but I love being a child, which makes me do mistakes and learn from them and also to have a broader mind in accepting things. What I would like myself to actually do in 2008 is to learn about a lot more things that I have not learned before. Do new things which will enrich my appetite for knowledge in every piece of events which happen in our Daily life.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

This Road is not Taken, so I will take it !!

Sometimes you just know what is right and what is wrong. But most of the times you don't know what to do. You tend to take a decision anyhow and keep your fingers crossed. Every decision maker would have faced the same dilemma. But the reason he is a decision maker is because he makes that choice. The choice may be right or wrong, but he dares and takes it. That's why he is there for and that's why he gets paid for. If that's a wrong decision he will pay for it, but if its the right decision, boy he is going to get paid for it. For this displays his guts/hunch/talent/intuition/courage and whatever name you want to put. My name for this is curiosity. Curiosity might have killed the cat, but being curious is one forte which drives geniuses ahead of ordinary men. The way the 'Road not Taken' might inspire hundreds/thousands of others to follow you.

Theodore Roosevelt from a 1910 speech given in Paris, draws a great analogy such 'Risk Takers':

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

Great one, isn't it ? Go, try to become a 'Risk Taker', because living such a life is definitely worth it.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Some thoughts on Improvizing the Hard Drive Design

By far we have seen that using a hard disk for storage is bound to dome, one day or the other. A sudden power crash or a power surge can damage your hard disk. Reason, there are mechanical parts which rest or land on the sensitive magnetic media when something like this happens.

I happen to lose three hard disks (all due to power fluctuations) and that too in a span of around ten years [PS: I also lost another hard disk full of data, due to human error but the hard disk was fine]. That too after a lot of precautions, because I am a little bit of paranoid of such stuff. I make sure everything gets its worth. But that too cannot stop the hard disks on crashing and giving up on me. Why ??

Recently I thought, why not keep a small battery just to part the heads when there is a sudden power surge or power down. This would make the hard disks almost fool proof and highly reliable. It is not that this is going to stop people replacing their hard disk. Because, eventhough I lost two hard disks I upgraded them twice too, because of need for more space. If possible, I would be having all my hard disks at this time with my system, if I had more power capacity on my SMPS. But the fact that the hard disks have crashed have made it difficult to do so.

I believe the above should be a very minimal work and that would make the hard disks live more and be more reliable for their users. We at India, due to frequent power cuts/surges, know that we have to have a UPS(power backup), but I heard from some of my friends that a power backup at US is not even heard off.

One more idea I had in mind is a type of hybrid hard disks just similar to hybrid cars. This is a little bit more complicated as this involves the latest solid state devices (SSD) hard drives to the magnetic media. Now, magnetic media is cheap to make it more acceptable in the market. But the SSDs are faster and mainly don't have a moving parts, hence are not easily prone to the power down problems. But the price of a SSD is near triple the amount of normal Disc Drive that too at a lower capacity.

Can we combine the advantages of the both and provide a hybrid hard drive (both the magnetic media and the SSD) in the same drive. One holds the hot data as cache for faster processing and the other has a permanent storage. This will boost the computer performance without drastically affecting the packet. This type of device should be a tremendous hit based on the hard disk drives getting sold nowadays. With much less latency period and efficient storage capacity (price per GB), these devices will be ideal for the recent multi-core processors hitting the market.

I believe if the both of the above ideas get implemented, they should be smash hits. But, now who will do this ??

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Sudden Turn of Events

There is sudden turn of events!! Obviously, the heat of the Nuclear Deal has worn out and it has been dumped as a toxic waste by both opposition, Left and the ruling party. Whatever is happening in the background, is unknown, and the people who play the emotional cards in every game are handed over with the scapegoat tag again.

Now there is a new tagline going out there, Ram-Sethu, since, we don't want to delve into this matter too much, the fact remains that the force which wants the project to be completed are politicians, the forces which are against are the politicians (may be for all the wrong reasons). But the core of the problem such as the fisherman getting affected or how this is going to affect the ships coming to the chennai port.

One thing is clear for Left or the Opposition, the game is to destabilize the government on totally baseless issues. For left it was the name America itself which became the crux of its issues, and for the opposition, it is the work RAM, which works like a charm.

Religion should never play in politics in a secular country, but there cannot be a rule against it, can it ??. Only the people have to realize, its all politics and there is no passion for anyone towards any religion. In this race to power, people become scapegoats, now and then and will be in future too. Only education and by far the knowledge in worldly matters can avoid this. But in our country not being pious and following a particular religion becomes such a sin, that you become a extremist who is banned by your own community, relatives, home and even your parents.

I believe there is still room for a world free of any kind of discrimination (based on money, religion, color or anything else). One thing I more like about the StarTrek series is the camaraderie shown by people from various planets and how they battle out their common enemy (those who want to create the discrimination).

That day may not be more near, but it is the hope for such a day which should enthuse us to live for it.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Government or No Government, Elections or No Elections

I am not sure what we will be seeing in the coming weeks. We could see another Election with the government standing firm for the Indo-US N-Deal against the pressure of Left [OR] We could see the lost face of one of the most admired politician cum reformist of our days [our beloved PM Manmohanji].

What is happening in the minds of the Left parties is bizarre, if they don't like anything American, they could have withdrawn support when the talks for this deal actually began or before it could have been signed. Why do the rambling when the deal is about to be operationalized. The govt. decided on the deal, the govt. should be the one who worries about when to operationalize it. Hence, there should be no reason for the Left parties to be worried about that. Mind you they(Left) are not part of the govt. They are just providing support to the Indian govt. run by (UPA) to make sure that the NDA don't make it to power.

Now, having said that, I am flummoxed by the damn reason why the Left parties want to run their own government (they just have some fifty-odd seats) with not even being the single largest party. They claim they are voicing concerns over the dependence on US for everything and becoming a strategic partner with USA for most stuff [like voting for war against Iran or whatever US' grand global strategy is]. But that's their party ideology, not a ideology of the Indian govt. (or the UPA) to wait on the N-Deal [which has been described as a break-through in Indo-US relationships].

My point is, Left is not part of the govt., Left doesn't run the govt. and Left just supports the UPA govt. from the outside, then why is it worried about the decisions of the govt. where, the Cabinet has approved the deal. If Left had been part of the govt. and the above had happened, it would have been really worthy of a call.

But now, I have lost faith in Left's credibility as a good leader for the nation. I would suggest anybody who is wooing for the Left parties to reconsider their decision seriously. Since, they are just not cutting it. If this kind of opposition had been happening before the N-Deal could be signed or discussed, there would have been no deal in the first place and India and the Indian govt. would not be blamed by foreign powers. Now the Indian govt. stands to lose its pretty face of growth, but it might also cause hesitation for other nations to negotiate for any kind of deal.

But I believe, if the govt. had done similar to what other countries had done [like getting the nuke technology from China], then it is a Left-Left situation and Left would have been praising the deals.

No matter what happens in the coming weeks, the Indian people would at one point do the below:
1. Don't provide a hung verdict (in the next elections), when you create an Indian govt. because, if an Indian govt. loses its face, it is as shameful for an Indian as it has been for the govt.
2. Don't again put the Left with a chance (may be lesser number of seats) like this again.
3. Either it is NDA/UPA/BJP/Cong, we have to work to provide a stable govt. and a healthy opposition.

My personal opinion for the past few days is, our PM will stand on his ground, and most probably we will be facing the Elections in Nov 2007 or early 2008.